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Spiritual Strength



Are You Listening to Your Life?

Your Life is speaking to you every single day.   your life

Life can be heard as it is happening.

You hear your life through your awareness.

 It’s Your Life

Although it may seem like it, life does not operate in a vacuum separate from who we are, when things happen to us there is usually a reason. For example, people do not reach goals by happenstance and marriages do not just suddenly end. Whether it is wonderful success or crushing defeat, any area of your life can be linked to the beliefs you entertain, actions that have been taken or decisions that are made.

Worry, frustration, depression, boredom, sadness, happiness or confidence have their root causes within you. They are coming to the surface for a reason and it is important to listen to them. Your life as a whole is really a mirror or barometer of yourself. All the ups, downs and occurrences in your life reflects what is going on inside of you, hence your life mirrors your alignment and inner connections.

Are you trying to ignore what is happening?

Sickness can be a distinct message.

Unfulfilled relationships are a message.

Constant struggles with money and bills are messages as well.

Complacency, sadness and frustrations are even more messages.

Are you hearing what life is saying? These signs are given for a purpose and that is to bring into focus what is uncoordinated or not working in your life. If you will trust the process, your life will show your habits, patterns and choices whether they are internal or external.

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Do you imagine life is a theoretical concept? In actuality, it is a real time event happening right now and is loaded with pertinent information, so you need to listen up. You will begin to hear when you trust what your life is revealing to you. What is reflected in the mirror of your life?

Do not be afraid to stare into life’s mirror, even if what you see is not flattering. Realize your reflection is not set in stone, but rather an image of what is going on right at this moment in your life. This means the image can be altered.

Sacred Lesson

What is a sacred lesson? It is a term I use to describe the personal crisis everyone will go through sometime in their life. You cannot be immunized against them and they will come at different times for a variety of reasons. When do crisis happen? Generally, when something needs to be heard, wants to be noticed or is out of sync.

A crisis can be financial, imagine losing all you own or going bankrupt. For some it will be the loss of a long-term marriage or facing a medical catastrophe. These are the moments in life that shake you to your toes and results in self-examination like no other. You will examine your beliefs, lifestyle and choices.

During a period of crisis nothing in your life will go unexamined, which is why they are extremely valuable, not necessarily enjoyable. These moments will make you take notice and listen to your life, as you never have before. This is why I refer to them as sacred, because life is motivating you to make changes so you do not stagnate.

Everyone likes to be comfortable; unfortunately, it is a real enemy of change. Why would you want to make a change when all is going well? Your life demands movement and change, so when you begin to stagnate movement must come from somewhere.

It may be that a crisis is the only thing we will listen to, and it most assuredly always precedes transformation. Do you want to transform your life? Then never despise a crisis, but see them for the gift they truly are.

A Sacred Lesson will dig into you creating a deepness that was not there before. You will become more in tune with yourself and others as well. When you experience pain, even excruciating pain, it makes you empathize with the pain of others. You lose some haughtiness and become humbled in the process.

At this time, you will begin to search for answers. Make no mistake there is nothing pleasant about the experience, but these are still sacred times because you are birthing a new chapter and will begin to experience new insights, movements and changes.

I cannot count the times people have discussed with me their crisis and how their greatest successes were a direct result. Major bankruptcy changed the life of a very successful yacht builder, and he was kind enough to share the experience with me.

During his crisis, he began to see life in a way he never imagined. It was this new vision that allowed him to “see” a great opportunity. He said it was like a flower bloomed out of the greatest crisis in my life.

Deaths in the family, serious illnesses and marriage breakups wound you, but it is in this wounding that you become open to something new in your life. Look at a crisis as something sacred, necessary and a crucial part of simply being human.

Will you begin to listen to your life? If you trust the process, life will show you precisely what you need to see. There are parts of us that can get neglected or forgotten and this is the only way they get noticed. Getting in accord with your life can only happen when you stop trying to categorize it all as either bad or good, blessing or cursing. Instead let your circumstances deepen the journey of life.

Once I had a cancer patient describe to me her initial reaction to the horrible news. She said. “I did not immediately as why me? But, what is this for? What do I need to do?” By using this perspective, she made lifestyle changes that brought her to a new challenging career path. This was the right approach.

Your life is and always will speak to you, and as we, all learn to value listening and cultivate the process it becomes easier to understand the messages that are being sent.

You are your biggest supporter.

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