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Mental Strength



Create Ecstasy & Abundance with the Mental Strength of the Mind

Is it really possible that we can create anything we desire with the power of our own minds? According to Law of Attraction it is! The Law of Attraction theory claims that thoughts have an energy, which attracts whatever it is the person is thinking of, both good and bad. Remember the saying ‘Be careful what you wish for’? Law of Attraction claims that we are all responsible for things that happen in our own lives through our thoughts. Using this theory to our advantage involves positive thinking and visualization in order to achieve our hopes and dreams.

Unfortunately many people have missed two CRITICAL components of this law:
1. You MUST take action! – Sure you repeat thousands of affirmation, do hundreds of hours of visualization and have vision boards in every room of your house…but you if don’t take action….you’ll NEVER…repeat…NEVER achieve the level of success your seeking.

2. You MUST be “energetically aligned” with The Universe – In the recent movie/DVD, “The Quantum Activist”, Amit Goswami, Ph.D. goes into very specific detail the importance of this step.  According to Goswami, most of us are using our ego energy during the affirmation, visualization, pray and mediation process.  This energy is NOT in alignment with The Universe.  Goswami has test results that verify when a person is in a “altered state of consciousness” when they perform their affirmations, etc then they ARE aligned with The Universe and this is when the ‘magic’ starts.

If you look at these two important steps you’ll notice that one is ‘masculine energy’ (taking action) and one is ‘feminine energy’ (the altered state of consciousness.

In Yin-Yang symbol these two aspects are represented as separate sections that make up the whole.  But, that are not divided equally via a straight line.  Which means…there is harmony between the two energies…NOT balance (balance would be reflected as a equal portions of the circle via a straight line)

So, does this mean?

To take advantage of the natural Law of Attraction access to BOTH energies are required and they need to be in harmony according to where you are in the manifestation process. 

At one point you may need to take more action…at other times more altered state of consciousness are needed.

This entire process of creating harmony between the energies takes mental strength and discipline…it’s simple…not easy.  If it was easy, everyone…well you know the rest of that quote.

At Warrior Mind Coaching and Training I help people access and balance both these energies.

You are your biggest supporter.

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